Of the 5 tours below, we’re down to the last for the season. Kate Atkinson’s new medical offices will be open to tour this Sunday through The Hitchcock Center for the Environment Green Building Tour.                               Call the Center to sign up. (413) 256-6006.

‘Tis the season for Green Building Tours –

  1. September 22nd – Deep Energy Retrofit Tour; Northampton, MA
  2. October 10th – USGBC Tour of Village Hill; Northampton, MA

  3. October 13th – The Hitchcock Center for the Environment – Home Tour; Northampton, MA

  4. October 13th – NESEA – Home Tour; Northampton, MA

  5. October 21st – The Hitchcock Center for the Environment – Commercial Tour; Amherst, MA


September 22nd, 12 pm – 3 pm 

37 Revell Avenue, Northampton, MA – DEEP ENERGY RETROFIT

National Grid is sponsoring an Open House, with Maple Street Architects and Wright Builders, Inc., showcasing the Deep Energy Retrofit of a 1900 two-family home in Northampton, MA.

The owners, Peter and Rachel Stevens, are also the architects.  As they started renovations, it became clear that most of the systems and finishes needed replacing, which made this two-family a perfect candidate for a Deep Energy Retrofit.  All the layers of existing siding had out lived their lifespan (and the aluminum layer recycles well), so exterior insulation was easy to add.  Similarly, the failing roof structure was nearly as expensive to repair as to replace, allowing continuous insulation above the framing below new shingles.  The largest challenge for this job was to preserve some of the interior finishes and detail while replacing the entire shell and all systems.

The super-insulated enclosure, made possible through financial and technical support from National Grid and Building Science Corporation, includes full envelope insulation and air sealing, new windows and doors, and new heating equipment for both units. Separate heat recovery ventilators in each unit will lower energy use, improve indoor air quality and eliminate cross-contamination between units. The project is aiming for completion by November 2012.

OR 2.                                                                                                                                                                                          

October 10, 2012 – 4:30-5:00 Home Tour at Village Hill, Northampton followed by

5:15-6:30 Presentation at Forbes Library Community Room- 20 West Street, Northampton, MA

A Presentation and Home Tour Sponsored by The Center for EcoTechnology and the West Branch of the Massachusetts Chapter of the US Green Building Council (USGBC):

The Center for EcoTechnology along with the West Branch of the Massachusetts Chapter of the USGBC will provide a presentation about LEED for Homes, a green rating system for residential buildings.

The event will begin with a walking tour by Wright Builders, Inc. of the LEED® Homes™ at the Village Hill development in Northampton. We will meet at the corner of Olander Drive & Village Hill Rd, where there is parking on Village Hill Road and Prince Street.

Then we will move to the Community Room at Forbes Library for a presentation by The Center for EcoTechnology and a Q&A with LEED Home owner, Marie Stella. Light refreshments will be provided.

Accredited professionals will receive 1 AIA CEU credit for program participation and are asked to donate $10.

The program is free and open to the general public, although donations are welcome.

Please RSVP.


OR 3. 

Saturday, October 13, 10 am – 12pm 

91 Olander Drive, Northampton, MA  with The Hitchcock Center for the Environment

Jonathan and Meg Wright of Wright Builders are opening up their home to share its many green features.  As part of the Village Hill development project, this home needed to meet neighborhood guidelines of small lots, new urbanism principles, passive solar, Energy Star Tier III and LEED certification, and much more. Come see this inspiring home.  FREE. Space is limited. Please call The Hitchcock Center for the Environment directly to register. (413) 256-6006. Registration is required and limited to 25.

OR 4.

Saturday, October 13, 10 am – 2pm

91 Olander Drive at Village Hill in Northampton, MA NESEA’s Green Building’s Open House (GBOH) is the biggest sustainable energy event in the Northeast. In 2011, more than 10,000 people toured 500 homes, businesses, and public buildings showcasing energy-efficient design, systems, and products, as well as renewables. Visitors leave NESEA’s host sites inspired—and ready to upgrade their own homes and buildings.


It’s free! Enjoy some snacks and see what living is like in over 3000 sq ft of Energy Star and LEED certified conditioned space.

Launched in 1995, GBOH lets people see firsthand the energy improvements in their communities. They can talk directly with home owners, business owners, and facilities managers. They can experience a house so efficient that it needs no heating system, smell for themselves that a composting toilet doesn’t, or see co-generation in action.

OR 5.

Sunday, October 21, 2 pm – 4 pm

17 Research Drive for the new  Atkinson Family Practice located off of ROUTE 9 near Amherst Woods.

Come see this nearly complete exciting new vision of a family medical facility.  Kate Atkinson, MD wanted to create a sustainable, solar-powered environment filled with natural light and healthy air for patients and staff.  She has done this along with a team from Kuhn Riddle Architects and Wright Builders. Join us for this sneak preview.  FREE. Space is limited. Registration required.