After 25 years of planning, the former Northampton State Hospital Grounds are finally in the build-out stages of redevelopment. After three years of planning, design, and construction, Eastview (which is the region’s first all – LEED certified townhouse project) is complete and has been turned over to owner-trustees, a little ahead of schedule, despite the unique economic times.

All the units are in the process of receiving their LEED documentation, and the owners report very comfortable
and enjoyable environments, even with eleven units on 2/3 of an acre. Everyone has a private patio with space for their personal plantings and outdoor living. Cooperative agreements are in place for snow removal, trash removal and
other management functions to ensure smooth operations with the neighbors at Hilltop Apartments.

Developed by Wright Builders, the design work by Kuhn Riddle Architects and the Berkshire design group really
shines on this project. We at Wright thank our hard-working staff.